Simple Wifi RS232 Modem (main page)

How to use the Simple Wifi RS232 modem with the HAL9000 computer?

This is the question I’m asked most frequently: I would like to use your modem on this computer, how can I do it? It’s difficult to always give a definite answer: each computer has its own characteristics and peculiarities, many don’t even have a standard serial port!

If you have used it on a computer that is not listed, please send me the software you used and how you did it, and I will add it to the list (in alphabetical order). Keep in mind that wherever there is an RS232 serial port, the modem always works.

I have received messages that it has been used on numerous computers. The instructions and videos provided here are only a few!

Apple II GS (as well as Macintosh 68k and IIc+)

The Apple II GS, Macintosh 68k, and IIc+ already have a serial port available. However, they use a Mini DIN-8 connector, so a specific serial cable is required (see diagram below the video). For software on the Apple II, I usually use Proterm 3.1, and on Macintosh I use “Mac Cincy”.

This is a video (in Italian) shot at the All About Apple museum, where you can see the Wifi Modem being used with an Apple IIGS and a Macintosh SE.

Mini DIN-8 IIgs Serial Port (also IIc+ and Macintosh)

The IIgs serial port is numbered as follows, looking at the back
of the computer:

Mini-Din 8
IIgs Serial Port
(Female) Socket

8 7 6
5 4 3
2 1

Pin Signal Name and Description*

1 HSKo Handshake output. Driven uninverted from the
SCC’s /DTR output.
Voh = 3.6V; Vol = -3.6V; Rl – 450 ohms
2 HSKi Handshake input or external clock. Received
inverted at SCC’s /CTS and /TRxC inputs.
Vih = 0.2V; Vil = -0.2V; Ri = 12K ohms
3 TxD- Transmit data (inverted). Driven inverted
from SCC’s TxD output; tri-stated when SCC’s
/RTS is not asserted.
Voh = 3.6V; Vol = -3.6V; Rl = 450 ohms
4 GND Signal ground. Connected to logic and
chassis ground.
5 RxD- Receive data (inverted). Received inverted
at SCC’s RxD input.
Vih = 0.2V; Vil = -0.2V; Ri = 12K ohms
6 TxD+ Transmit data. Driven uninverted from SCC’s
TxD output; tri-stated when SCC’s /RTS is not
Voh = 3.6V; Vol = -3.6V; Rl = 450 ohms
7 GPi General-purpose input. Received inverted at
SCC’s /DCD inputs.
Vih = 0.2V; Vil = -0.2V; Ri = 12K ohms
8 RxD+ Receive data. Received uninverted at SCC’s
RxD input.
Vih = 0.2V; Vil = -0.2V; Ri = 12K ohms

Note: Absolute values of specified voltages are minimums;
Ri is a minimum, Rl is a maximum.

*from IIgs tn030 1990 J. Luther & R. Reynolds

Commodore Amiga
All Amiga computers have a standard DB25 serial port. So, all you need to do is connect the modem and load a terminal program to establish a connection (for example, NCOMM).

Commodore 64
There is no standard RS232 serial port on the Commodore 64 family (64C, SX, and 128). To connect this modem, you will need a serial port adapter. The official adapter for this purpose was the VIC-1011. I have re-engineered it with UP9600 enhancement, enabling baud rates up to 9600. I am selling it in the same places as the modem, so if you want one, simply follow the instructions to purchase the modem. Software options you can use include CCGMS, Novaterm, and Striketerm.


You can use every PC DOS with a RS232 serial port with this modem. There are two different connectors: DB25 or DB9. From a modem point of view they are the same. You may need an adapter or use a modem with the same port (the Simple Wifi Modem is available with a DB9 or a DB25 connector).